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LOGICO The Learning Game – For children aged 3 to 12 years


LOGICO is an educational game with self-checking for children from 3 to 12 years for learning in kindergarten, at school and at home. 

LOGICO is ideal for independent learning activities. It is self-explanatory and easy-to-handle. LOGICO attracts the children's curiosity and is very motivating. 

The self-checking gives children a sense of success and a feeling of self-esteem. This motivates them and makes them look for further challenges. 

With the moveable buttons, LOGICO provides learning with eye and hand and gives children the time needet to reflect, memorize and get ready for the next tasks.

LOGICO – This is how it works:

For every age group there is the right LOGICO version

LOGICO – A story of success

In 1993, the first LOGICO titles were published in Germany. Today, LOGICO learning game is distributed in over 40 countries and translated into many languages, as English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and more.
Teachers, principals and ministries of education in many countries recommend LOGICO. Over the years it has received several awards.
Maschine, Sprach, Rad, Logo, Abzeichen

More information about LOGICO

LOGICO – The Learning Game

English catalogue

Videos about LOGICO

Learning is fun… with LOGICO!

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